
  • More efficient traffic flow in and around the Tropicana interchange with the widening of Tropicana Avenue from three lanes to four and the realignment of Dean Martin Drive under Tropicana
  • Improved travel time reliability on Interstate 15 and Tropicana Avenue with the addition of Active Traffic Management signs on I-15 between Warm Spring and Flamingo roads
  • Enhanced safety for motorists and pedestrians by widening sidewalks along Tropicana Avenue to ten feet
  • Improved air quality due to free-flowing traffic as a result, in part, to the elimination of traffic signals at Tropicana Avenue and Dean Martin Drive
  • Easier ingress and egress to/from the resort corridor due to signal improvements, added capacity on Tropicana ramps to I-15 and a new High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) half-interchange on the south side of Harmon Avenue
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